127 West Main Street, East Islip, NY 11730
(631) 277-4848

Caring For Your Teeth During The Holiday Season

Nov 30, 2020 | Uncategorized

The holidays are here! Time to spend some quality time with friends or family, eat good food, do some shopping, and enjoy all that the holiday season has to offer. 

With all the food, drinks, and time you’ll be busy, it’s important to remember that your oral health doesn’t take a break at the end of the year! Be sure to continue to take care of your teeth as you normally would, and be extra cautious of holiday festivities that could cause pain or damage, especially if you have TMJ.

Utilize these 8 tips to help you get through the holiday season with healthy teeth:

  1. Eat teeth-healthy foods such as crunchy vegetables, leafy greens, fibrous fruits like apples and pears, meats, and fatty fish.
  2. Avoid foods and drinks that are bad for your teeth, such as sticky, gummy, or chewy candies, sugary desserts, sodas, and alcohol.
  3. Drink plenty of water to eliminate food particles, freshen your breath, and help with digestion.
  4. If you’re not drinking water, choose light-colored or clear beverages to avoid staining.
  5. Stick with your daily oral health care routine, including brushing at least twice a day, flossing, and rinsing with mouthwash. 
  6. Schedule your post-holiday checkup and cleaning with your dentist before the holidays arrive.
  7. Never use your teeth to open presents or anything else.
  8. If you have TMJ, stick with soft foods, and keep wearing your Preventive Oral Device®!

Treatment For TMJ

Treat yourself to pain-free living this holiday season with our Preventive Oral Device®, or POD®. This nightguard, worn while sleeping, is used to help protect your teeth and stop tooth damage caused by clenching and grinding. This device is here to help you treat symptoms of TMJ and improve your quality of life, so you don’t have to worry about your jaw, ear, or teeth causing you pain any longer!

TMJ Treatment on Long Island

Dr. Scott Simonetti, a TMJ disorder specialist, is here to help diagnose and put an end to your pain and discomfort caused by a TMJ disorder. Visit our website or give us a call at (631) 277-4848 to learn more about our POD® night guard treatment and how we can help you.

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